10 Simple Tips for Health & Happiness


1.  Engage in 15 to 30 minutes of exercise everyday.

2. When you are feeling anxious and unsettled, let go of everything else and focus on happy memories in your life.

3.  Eat healthier, more natural foods and eliminate manufactured and processed foods.

4.  Try to be positive and cheerful with everyone you come in contact with because we are all interconnected in the universe.

5.  Every time you encounter a negative thought, replace it with a positive thought, knowing that people who control their thoughts have better control of their lives.

6.  Learn to forgive others.

7.  Make peace with yourself and your past, so you can move onto the present.

8.  Recognize that you are responsible for your own happiness.

9.  Be thankful and happy for what you have and not unhappy for what you don’t have.

10.  Don’t take life too seriously and remember to have a sense of humor.