Keep The Doctor Away with Apple Cider Vinegar Every Day


If there is one supplement that I would find it hard to live without, it would be apple cider vinegar.  I prefer organic, distilled, fermented, apple cider vinegar for the best health benefits.

Apple cider vinegar increases acidity in the stomach, limits the absorption of fats and carbohydrates,and helps regulate the impact of sugar in the blood stream.  Apple cider vinegar also helps normalize blood pressure and cholesterol and reduces inflammation in the body.

Regular consumption of apple cider vinegar can result in a myriad of ancillary health benefits–from eliminating acne to relieving migraines to aiding digestion. Apple cider vinegar has even been associated with a reduction in the growth of cancer cells.

Although it may take a little getting used to, the benefits of apple cider vinegar can be enjoyed with as little as a tablespoon a day mixed in a glass of water.  If you are new to apple cider vinegar, try starting with half a tablespoon until you develop a taste for it.   And after a few weeks, you can look forward to improved health!

Spice It Up With Cinnamon


Cinnamon, a spice derived from the inner bark of a variety of trees, has long been used as a spice for food and for medicinal purposes.

I take cinnamon capsules to lower my blood sugar.  Cinnamon cassia, which is available in capsule form at most health food stores,  has helped me lower my blood sugar numbers by as much as 10 points or more after a meal.

Cinnamon is also believed to decrease inflammation and have antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

Be sure to consult with your doctor before starting cinnamon supplementation as there may be adverse interactions with prescription medications, herbs or other health issues.


Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements


Many people are now turning to omega-3 fish oil supplements to supplement fish oil they get in their diet.  Omega-3s are considered essential fatty acids that they cannot be synthesized by the human body and have many reported health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health.

A good. quality omega 3 fish oil supplement contains higher levels of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) , which are essential long chain omega-3 fatty acids.

DHA and EPA are considered essential for cell membrane  integrity in many parts of the human body and play an important role in fighting inflammation, which is a factor in most chronic illnesses.

I, personally take a high quality omega-3 fish oil supplement twice a day.  If you decide to supplement, consult with your doctor to make sure it’s right for you.